Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024
  • Marvel Boy
  • Possible Meta Deck
  • Low Collection Level Deck
  • Fun Deck
  • Red Hulk
  • Blob
  • Spotlight Variants
  • Should I Cache In?
  • Wrap Up

Welcome back to our new weekly series Cache-ing In! Each week, we break down what cards will be available in the new Spotlight Caches, as well as the Spotlight Variants! The goal is to help you determine if you should “Cache in” for the content, or hoard for a better week.

Check out our new Spotlight Cache Tracker and Planner!

Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024

This week, we get the newest Series 5 card Marvel Boy! Joining him will be the return of Series 5 cards Red Hulk and Blob!


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All Spotlight Caches

Marvel Snap Schedule

Marvel Boy

Marvel Boy

After each turn, give 3 of your 1-Cost cards +1 Power.


view card details Decks with Marvel Boy

Kicking off this Young Avengers Season is none other than Marvel Boy! He is a 3-Cost, 2-Power card with the ability “After each turn, give 3 of your 1-Cost cards +1 Power.” This is an interesting card, as he a high Power range, but requires specific deckbuilding or good draw to be useful. His ability also makes him strictly worse the later he is played, so a good draw is extremely important. In a good match where you have three 1-Cost cards by turn 2, and Marvel Boy by turn 3, he can give a whopping 12 Power across a regular match, making him a [3/14]!

On the one hand, the card is very susceptible to counters like Killmonger, Shadow King, or Red Guardian. On the other hand, he is safe from Ongoing disruption like Rogue, Enchantress, and Echo. To best analyze his strength, let’s look at the decks he could best function in.

Possible Meta Deck

Marvel Boy Patriot

Created by CanadianAlfredo

, updated 12 days ago

1x None

1x Collection Level 1-14

1x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)

1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)

4x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

1x Series 4 Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 4)

2x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

1x Recruit Season







Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (19) Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (20)

Patriot decks are already a hot meta item right now. The ability to flood the board with Power with 1-Costs, then halt your opponent’s capability with Sandman has proven incredibly effective. Marvel Boy slots perfectly into this archetype for 2 specific reasons: Squirrel Girl and Shanna. These 2 cards instantly create three 1-Cost cards, which give Marvel Boy his full value without needing to stack the deck with 1-Cost cards. In essence, Marvel Boy could enhance this archetype by giving you a new way to snowball power before revealing Sandman.

Low Collection Level Deck

Marvel Boy Low CL

Created by CanadianAlfredo

, updated 12 days ago

1x None

1x Collection Level 1-14

5x Collection Level 18-214 (Pool 1)

2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)

2x Recruit Season

1x Starter Card







Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (34) Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (35)

Obviously, Marvel Boy works great in Zoo lists. In early gameplay, Zoo decks are naturally strong, so Marvel Boy simply helps give you the edge over your opponent’s. At this level, your biggest concern is Killmonger, so Armor can help defend you. If you can stack Ant Man, Ka-Zar and Blue Marvel in a location, Onslaught can give you a strong boost to your extra Power buffs.

Fun Deck

Marvel Boy Thanos

Created by CanadianAlfredo

, updated 12 days ago

1x None

2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)

9x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)







Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (49) Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (50)

One of Thanos‘ biggest weaknesses right now is the lack of Power Infinity Stones have. With Marvel Boy, you can buff these stones to keep your Power momentum growing! The stones also allow you to have plenty of 1-Cost cards available without needing to fill your deck with them. I know Thanos isn’t a strong archetype right now, but this card could help push him back in the right direction.

Overall, I think Marvel Boy will be a solid card. His potential Power output is very high for his cost, though it does require some lucky draw to get that amount of Power. With that said, Patriot decks are already at the top tier of the meta, and Marvel Boy fits naturally into that list. Typically cards that give +3 Power have been good cards (see original Silver Surfer and Thena for examples), and I think Marvel Boy has the potential to continue that trend.

Best Marvel Boy Decks to Try on Day 1 and Strategy Guide

Red Hulk

Red Hulk

When your opponent ends a turn with unspent Energy, +3 Power. (if in hand or in play)

Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

view card details Decks with Red Hulk

Our second card of the week is Red Hulk! While he was once in nearly every match you played, you never see him now. This is largely due to to major factors. First, his most popular decks were Mill and Hela, both of which have been nerfed either directly or indirectly. Secondly, one of the game’s most popular decks right now is Thena and Kitty Pryde. This deck utilizes all of their Energy each turn thanks to Kitty, which makes Red Hulk struggle to get good value.

Twitter – Fazzer_Snap

Created by PulseGlazer

, updated 14 days ago

1x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)

2x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

9x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)







Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (69) Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (70)

While Red Hulk finds a solid good home, this deck tries to utilize him in a different way. This Thanos deck utilizes the recently buffed Lockjaw to cycle cards through your deck. With multiple big targets at your disposal like Red Hulk, Magneto, and Blob, you have a decent chance of flipping am Infinity Stone into a bigger threat. You can also ramp into them using Hope Summers! With those early game targets you create, you can use Caiera to keep them safe from Shang-Chi.

While this is the second Thanos list in the same week, Red Hulk is a good card desperately looking for a home. Until he finds one, he unfortunately is underutilized despite his strength. He is still a good card to collect, but I wouldn’t particularly recommend tokens on him in the current meta.



On Reveal: Merge cards from your deck into this until it gains 13 or more Power.

Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)

view card details Decks with Blob

Closing out the week is the return of Blob! This card has been in and out of the meta several times, and he is currently closer to out of the meta than in. His recent nerf really impacted his playability in decks outside of Arishem. Since Arishem decks received several big losses with the last OTA, the deck isn’t as powerful as it once was. This leaves Blob in a weird place, as he is only useful in one deck, and that deck isn’t as good anymore. Blob can be used with Thanos (as seen in the previous deck), but the low Power maximum makes him likely to cap out Power early due to the stones.

No Trial

Created by SafetyBlade

, updated 15 days ago

2x Collection Level 222-474 (Pool 2)

3x Collection Level 486+ (Pool 3)

7x Series 5 Ultra Rare – Collection Level 486+ (Pool 5)







Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (94) Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (95)

Speaking of that one deck he is useful in, Blob is stuck in Arishem‘s shadow. Being able to play him on turn 5 gives you the option of seeing how much Power he actually gained without finishing the match. Even using Loki, having a new 12 card deck gives Blob plenty of ammo to eat.

After his nerfs, developers have stated they may have prematurely nerfed Blob. He was nerfed specifically to weaken Arishem, but that deck naturally saw a play rate drop with the introduction of Cassandra Nova. With that in mind, we could see Blob‘s nerf get reverted in the future. At the same time, Loki‘s new ability opens the door for a new way for Blob to eat without needing to build your deck around him.

Spotlight Variants

If you already own the cards the Spotlight Cache offers, one of these variants will take its place! If you own none of the cards, the variants will appear after you open all four caches. Spotlight variants are time exclusive to their release week, and will only be available after 1 full year of time has passed.

Daily Offer – How to Purchase Variants

After the year, they will be available for purchase from the Daily Offer. They will cost 2,400 Gold per variant. So if any of these Spotlight variants feel like a must have for you, make sure to Cache In if you have enough caches saved to guarantee the pull.


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As this month’s featured artist, Flaviano Armentaro showcases his Marvel Boy variant this week!


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This one off piece by Ed McGuinness shows us his take on Red Hulk!


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Eric Guerrero is the artist who created this Blob variant! They are most recognized as one of Snap’s base art creators for many cards!

Should I Cache In?

This week, we get the maximum value of 3 Series-5 cards. Blob and Red Hulk are fun cards that don’t have good usage in the current meta. Blob definitely is trying to stay relevant with Arishem, but if he can’t keep up, there is a good chance we see his nerf reverted eventually. Marvel Boy looks like a strong addition to Patriot and Zoo decks.

My recommendation this week is to Cache In! The value is here with all of these cards. To an extent, you may be caching in for more investment than immediate rewards, but with so many Series 5 cards and no Series Drop in sight, picking up good cards when you can is the key to being meta relevant. When cards are under utilized because their decks aren’t actively great, it’s easy to pass on them. I think the returning cards are simply a good investment for the future of your Snap involvement. Marvel Boy, on the other hand, simply looks like a good, fun card that any player could utilize well.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Wrap Up

Do you think Marvel Boy will be a good card? Will you be Cache-ing In this week? Let us know in the comments! For the full schedule, check out our guide below:

Marvel Snap New Card Release, Spotlight Cache, and Series Drop Schedule

Spotlight Cache Week of August 6, 2024: Are Marvel Boy, Red Hulk, and Blob Worth It? - Marvel Snap Zone (2024)


What level is the spotlight cache Marvel Snap Collection? ›

The first Spotlight Cache will appear once the player has passed CL500. After this, a Spotlight Cache will appear every 120 CL. The UI will clearly show when you have a Spotlight Cache coming up.

How long does it take to get a Spotlight Cache in Marvel Snap? ›

How to open Spotlight Caches in Marvel Snap. You can open Spotlight Caches with Spotlight Keys, a reward you receive every 120 collection levels. Each week, the Spotlight Cache features three cards and one mystery variant. Opening a cache will grant you one of those four cards at random.

What are Marvel Snap Spotlights? ›

06/23/2023. We're excited to announce one of the biggest changes to MARVEL SNAP since its launch – the Spotlight Cache. Spotlight Cache means more cards, including brand new cards, for more players than ever before! We think this will make every card release more exciting, impactful, and accessible to everyone.

What is spotlight cache? ›

The Spotlight Cache system is the primary way to obtain Series 4 and 5 cards. Every week, a new set of cards will rotate into the Spotlight Cache. These will consist of one brand-new card, two previous cards, and one random card. Each card has exactly a 25 percent chance of being obtained upon using a Spotlight Key.

What is the rarest card in Marvel Snap? ›

The rarest cards in Marvel Snap belong to Series 4 and 5, with examples being Absorbing Man, Shuri, Thanos, and She-Hulk.

How rare is Series 5 Marvel Snap? ›

There is a 0.25% chance to open a Series 5 card from Collector's Caches and Collector's Reserves (can be earned before completing Series 3 or 4) Series 5 cards cost 6000 Collector's Tokens in the Token Shop.

Do Spotlight keys expire in Marvel Snap? ›

You can save Spotlight Keys for as long as you want, which is great if you don't like this week's cards but really want future ca... Save them for cards you want or need for special decks.

What is the rarest Marvel Snap effect? ›

KRACKLE FLARE – or Kirby Crackle

Last, and by no means least, the rarest particle effect at time of writing is the Kirby Crackle/Krackle Flare.

What do ultra cards look like in Marvel Snap? ›

The ultra level of card rarity will give the card an animated frame to go along with the character's animation. This frame will seemingly pulsate, and move as a bright color. It costs 400 credits and 40 boosters to upgrade a card to the ultra rarity.

Why is Marvel Snap called snap? ›

The Snap, also known as the Blip, was the event in which Thanos snapped his fingers while using the Infinity Gauntlet, resulting in the extermination of half of all life in the universe.

How does the Marvel Snap Spotlight key work? ›

How to Use Spotlight Keys? Once there's a key in the inventory, players should head over to the Collection Level menu and tap and hold the Spotlight Cache in the left corner. Each chest requires one key and will reward players with one of the six featured cards of that particular week.

What is the drop rate for spotlight caches in Marvel Snap? ›

Explaining What Spotlight Caches Are in Marvel Snap

Each card has a 25% chance to drop; opening four Spotlight Caches — the equivalent of 40 Collector's Reserves — will net you all of them.

What is the collection level cap in Marvel Snap Collection? ›

The maximum collectible level in the game goes up to 22,366—a number the developers thought players would probably never reach.

How many credits for a Spotlight Cache Marvel Snap? ›

To snag a Spotlight Cache in Marvel Snap, you'll need to shell out 3000 credits. It sounds like a lot, but with a bit of grinding and strategic play, you'll get there! Honestly, 3000 credits feel steep for a Spotlight Cache.

How do you get the spotlight key in Marvel Snap? ›

How to Obtain Spotlight Keys? After reaching Level 500 on the Collection Level Road, players earn one Spotlight Cache per 120 CL. Therefore, to collect all four monthly keys, they must increase their Collection Level by 480.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.