Swatch Watches | Official UK Stockist: WatchO™ (2024)

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"; // var setvalue =[0].section_heading; // console.log(setvalue); // $(".similar-products-block-heading").html(setvalue); strContent += "

"; $.each(, function(key, value) { var currentClass = currentProduct == "active-similar-product":""; var source = "src='"; source += value.image; source += "'"; var url = value.url; if (url.indexOf("//") > -1) { urls = url.split('/'); urls[2] =; } else { urls = url.split('/'); urls[0] =; } urls.join("/"); var href = "href='"; //href += productDetail.url; href += urls.join("/"); href += "'"; strContent += " \n\ Swatch Watches | Official UK Stockist: WatchO™ (61)"; if(value.reviews_count != undefined && value.reviews_count.reviews_count != undefined && value.reviews_count.reviews_count > 0 ){ strContent +="

\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ ("+value.reviews_count.reviews_count+")

"; } strContent += ""; }); strContent +="

"; $('section.similar-products-block').append([strContent]); }); } function getProductReviews(currentProduct, groupName){ if(currentProduct == undefined){ return; } var url =""; var data = {searchIds: currentProduct}; $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', async: false, data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' } }).done(function (response) { if( != undefined && != undefined && > 0){ var reviewCount =; var strContent ="

\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ ("+reviewCount +")

"; $(".product-in-similar-category-tn."+currentProduct+"[data-group='"+groupName+"'] a").append(strContent); } }).fail(function (jqXHR, exception) { }) } var CsObj = { config: function() { // flag for shipping calculation this.enableShippingCalculation = true; // flag for discount calc this.enableDiscounts = true; // flag for soldout form this.enableOutOfStockFormSubmit = true; // flag for Country-wise offer panel this.hideOfferPanelForOtherCountry = true; // flag to manage delivery Messages this.showDeliveryMessage = true; // flag to manage voucher discount amount this.showVoucherDiscount = true; // Flag to show similar products this.enableSimilarProducts = true; this.enableWhyChooseUs = true; this.enableRecentlyViewed = true; this.enablePopularProductBybrand = true; this.enableNominationMessage = true; //flag to manage reviews this.enableDelightedReviews = true; // flag for signup to newsletter form on product detail page this.enableSignupToNewsletter = true; this.useSignupToNewsletter2 = true; this.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj = 'PlantATreeProductLikes'; this.deliveryMessages = { 'Delivery-message-USA': 'Estimated delivery in 5 business days. View Delivery Costs', 'Delivery-message-Canada': 'Estimated delivery in 5 business days. View Delivery Costs', 'Delivery-message-Australia': 'Estimated delivery in 7 business days. View Delivery Costs', 'Delivery-message-EU-8': 'Estimated delivery in 5 business days. View Delivery Costs', 'Delivery-message-EU-12': 'Estimated delivery in 7 business days. View Delivery Costs', 'Delivery-message-Other': 'View Delivery Costs', }; this.enable5_7DayDelivery = true; this.monthNames = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; this.dayNames = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; }, init: function(context) { if(context ==undefined) context = []; this.context = context; = 'GB'; // current hour this.cHour = new Date().getHours(); // current day 0-sun,1-monday etc... this.cDay = new Date().getDay(); // Current Date this.cDate = new Date(); this.unitTest = false; this.currentDeliveryMessage = ''; this.expressDeliveryClass = ''; this.satDeliveryClass = '.p-day-delivery.sat-delivery'; this.get_preorder_product_list=setInterval(this.getPreOrderProductList(),1000); this.config(); this.showDiscountedPrice(); this.showVoucherDiscountPrice(); this.getCountry(); this.showSimilarProducts(); //this.showWhyChooseUs(); this.showRecentlyViewed(); this.showCustomDelivery(); this.showProductViews(); this.showPopularProductByBrand(); this.showSignupToNewsletter(); // this.showDelightedReviews(); this.showDelightedReviews([]); this.getPlantATreeLikeStatus(); _this = this; // TODO chirag 07-04-2023 upvote functionality _this.showLikeCounts(); $('[data-notify-in-stock]').on('click', function(){ _this.submitOutOfStock(); }); $("body").on('click','.price_drop_submit_btn',function(){ _this.submitPriceDropAlert(); }) $("body").on('click','.click_n_collect_submit_btn',function(){ _this.submitClickAndCollect(); }) $("body").on('click','.price_match_submit_btn',function(){ _this.submitPriceMatch(); }) $("body").on('click', "", function(){ console.log('from click'); _this.likePlantATree(); }); // TODO chirag 07-04-2023 upvote functionality $("body").on('click', ".upvote", function(){ _this.upvoteProduct(); }); function extendedWarrantyDisplay(){ let currentUrl = location.href.toLowerCase(); if('garmin-')==-1){ if($(".show_in_mob").is(":visible")){ $('.free-extended-warranty-mobile-block').show(); }else{ $('.extented_warranty_container').show(); } } } function extendedWarrantyDisplay(){ let currentUrl = location.href.toLowerCase(); if('victorinox-')==-1){ if($(".show_in_mob").is(":visible")){ $('.free-extended-warranty-mobile-block').show(); }else{ $('.extented_warranty_container').show(); } } } var currentHostName =; //if ('') == -1) { if (currentHostName == "") { $('.click_n_collect').show(); // $('#finance_box').show(); //chirag todo 30-01-2023 $('#offer_delivery_block').show(); extendedWarrantyDisplay(); } else{ if(document.location.pathname.indexOf('Seiko') >0 || document.location.pathname.indexOf('seiko') > 0){ var newlocation = window.location.pathname; if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/")){ newlocation = newlocation.slice(0,-1); } window.location.href = ("https://"+""+newlocation); } $('#finance_box').remove(); var banner_visible_website = ["", "", "",""]; if(banner_visible_website.indexOf(currentHostName) > -1){ extendedWarrantyDisplay(); } } $("body").on('click','#price_alert_btn',function(){ $('.common_form_box').slideUp(500); $('.price_drop_form_container').slideDown(500); }) $("body").on('click','#bracelet_adjustment',function(){ $('.common_form_box').slideUp(500); $('.bracelet_adjustment_container').slideDown(500); }) $("body").on('click','#price_match_btn',function(){ $('.common_form_box').slideUp(500); $('.price_match_form_container').slideDown(500); }) $(document).on('click','#finance_btn',function(){ /*$('.common_form_box').slideUp(500); $('.finance_form_container').slideDown(500);*/ }) // $(document).on('click','#close_price_drop',function(){ // $('.price_drop_form_container').slideUp(400); // }) $("body").on('click','.ClickNCollectButton',function(){ $('.common_form_box').slideUp(500); $('.click_n_collect_form_container').slideDown(500); }) // $(document).on('click','#close_click_n_collect',function(){ // $('.click_n_collect_form_container').slideUp(400); // }) $("body").on('click','.close_form',function(){ $(this).closest('.common_form_box').slideUp(400); }) var currentHours = this.calcTime('+1'); $(document).ready(function(){ if( !$(".desktop-block-view").is(":visible") ){ $("section.videoGallery").removeClass("is-open"); $("section.videoGallery").removeClass("is-open"); } if( != 'OTHER' && (currentHours.getHours()>= 9 && currentHours.getHours() <=17) && currentHours.getDay() != 6 && currentHours.getDay() !=0) { //$(".productpricematch").show(); } else { //$(".productpricematch").hide(); } }) }, getPlantATreeLikeStatus: function(){ processLikePlantATreeStatus('get'); if (localStorage.getItem(this.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj) === null || localStorage.getItem(this.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj) === undefined) { return true; } var retrieverObject = localStorage.getItem(this.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj); if (Number(retrieverObject) > 0){ $(this).removeClass("like"); $(".plant-tree-like-button").addClass("like-clicked"); } }, likePlantATree: function(){ console.log('from function'); if (localStorage.getItem(this.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj) === null || localStorage.getItem(this.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj) === undefined) { var retrieverObject = []; } else { var retrieverObject = localStorage.getItem(this.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj); } console.log('from function retrieverObject 1 ', retrieverObject); retrieverObject = Number(retrieverObject) + 1 console.log('from function retrieverObject 2 ', retrieverObject); localStorage.setItem(CsObj.plantaTreeLocalStorageObj, retrieverObject); console.log('from function localStorage ', localStorage); processLikePlantATreeStatus('set'); }, // 07-04-2023 TODO chirag for loading time like counts showLikeCounts: function() { var productTitle = $('.productView-title').html(); var productId = $("#product_id").val(); var data = {product_title: productTitle, product_id: productId, isPageLoad: 1}; const likeStatus = localStorage.getItem('like-status-'+productId); if(likeStatus == "liked") { $(".heart-icon1").attr("src", ""); }else{ $(".heart-icon1").attr("src", ""); } // var url =""; // local test 10 on local 06-04-2023 var url = ""; // Live 20-04-2023 $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' }, beforeSend: function() { $('.loader').removeClass('hidden') }, complete: function(){ $('.loader').addClass('hidden') }, }).done(function (response) { if(response.result != undefined && (response.result == "count fetched success")) { var text = "Like"; if(response.counts > 1) { text = "Likes"; } $(".like-count-text").text(response.counts + " "+text); } }).fail(function (jqXHR, exception) { console.log('error', exception); }) }, // 06-04-2023 TODO chirag for upvote upvoteProduct: function() { var productId = $("#product_id").val(); const likeStatus = localStorage.getItem('like-status-'+productId); var likeUnlikeStatus = 0; if (likeStatus) { if (likeStatus === 'liked') { likeUnlikeStatus = 1; } if (likeStatus === 'disliked') { likeUnlikeStatus = 0; } } var website = window.location.origin; var $form = 'form#ContactForm.PL20'; var productTitle = $("h1.productView-title").contents().not($("h1.productView-title").children()).text().replace(/\n/g, ""); var data = {product_title: productTitle, product_id: productId, count: 1, isPageLoad: 0, website: website, likeUnlikeStatus: likeUnlikeStatus}; if(likeUnlikeStatus == 0) { // var url =""; // local test 1 on local 11-04-2023 var url = ""; // Live 20-04-2023 $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' }, beforeSend: function() { $('.loader').removeClass('hidden') }, complete: function(){ $('.loader').addClass('hidden') }, }).done(function (response) { if (likeStatus) { localStorage.removeItem("like-status-"+productId); } localStorage.setItem('like-status-'+productId, response.likeUnlikeStatus); if(response.result != undefined && (response.result == "update success" || response.result == "created success")) { if(response.likeUnlikeStatus == "liked") { $(".heart-icon1").attr("src", ""); }else{ $(".heart-icon1").attr("src", ""); } var text = "Like"; if(response.counts > 1) { text = "Likes"; } $(".like-count-text").text(response.counts + " " +text); } }).fail(function (jqXHR, exception) { // alert('Error ' + exception); }) } else { return false; } }, showProductViews: function(){ var MinCountRequired = 50; var VisibilitySeconds = 10; var currentProduct = $('input[name=product_id]').val(); if(currentProduct == undefined){ return; } var url =""; var data = {searchUrl: window.location.pathname}; $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' } }).done(function (response) { if( != undefined &&[0].count >= MinCountRequired) { var remainder =[0].count % 10; if(remainder != 0 ){[0].count = ([0].count-remainder); } if([0].count >= 50 &&[0].count < 100){ view_text = 'Popular this week'; }else if([0].count >= 100 &&[0].count < 300){ view_text = 'Very popular this week'; }else if([0].count >= 300){ view_text = 'Trending this week'; }else{[0].count =[0].count.toString()+ "+" ; view_text =[0].count+" people viewed this in a week"; } //$(".view-count span").html("Viewed "[0].count+" times"); //$(".view-count span").html([0].count+" people viewed this in a week"); $(".view-count span").html(view_text); $(".view-count").show('slow'); //setTimeout(function(){ $(".view-count").hide('slow'); }, VisibilitySeconds*1000); } }).fail(function (jqXHR, exception) { }) }, showWhyChooseUs: function(){ if(!this.enableWhyChooseUs){ return false; } var prodData = $(".productView").data(); if(prodData == undefined) { return false; } //$(`.PSProdWhyChooseUsPanel.${prodData.productBrand.replace(" ","-").replace("'","")}`).show(); if(prodData.productBrand){ //$(".PSProdWhyChooseUsPanel."+prodData.productBrand.replace(" ","-").replace("'","")).show(); } }, calShipping: function() { if (!this.enableShippingCalculation) { return false; } if ( === 'GB') { //if ($(`${this.expressDeliveryClass}:visible`).length <= 0) { if ($(this.expressDeliveryClass+":visible").length <= 0) { return false; } this.showUkShipping(); } else { this.hideUkShipping(); } }, showUkShipping: function() { if ($(this.expressDeliveryClass+":visible").length) { // Adjust Delivery Day var dayAdd; var holidayDeliveryDatesAdjustment = false; // date override to enable holiday shipping settings /* var d1 = new Date(); var date1 = d1.getDate(); if ((date1 >= 27) || (date1 <= 1) ) { holidayDeliveryDatesAdjustment = true; //console.log ("holiday delivery enabled"); } */ //var currentBrand2 = $(".productView").data('product-brand'); if(holidayDeliveryDatesAdjustment) { //console.log ("holiday shipping enabled"); switch (this.cDay) { case 0:// For Sunday Delivery dayAdd = 3; break; case 1:// For Monday dayAdd = this.cHour < 15 ? 2 : 2; break; case 2:// For Tuesday dayAdd = this.cHour < 15 ? 1 : 2; break; case 3:// For Wednesday dayAdd = this.cHour < 15 ? 1 : 6; break; case 4:// For Thursday dayAdd = this.cHour < 15 ? 5 : 6; break; case 5:// For Friday dayAdd = this.cHour < 13 ? 5 : 5; break; case 6:// For Saturday dayAdd = 4; break; default: dayAdd = 2; break; } } else { //console.log ("standard shipping enabled"); switch (this.cDay) { case 0:// For Sunday Delivery dayAdd = 2; break; case 1:// For Monday case 2:// For Tuesday case 3:// For Wednesday dayAdd = this.cHour < 16 ? 1 : 2; break; case 4:// For Thursday dayAdd = this.cHour < 16 ? 1 : 4; break; case 5:// For Friday dayAdd = this.cHour < 15 ? 3 : 4; //dayAdd = this.cHour < 21 ? 3 : 4; break; case 6:// For Saturday dayAdd = 3; break; } } // Decide saturday Delivery switch (this.cDay) { case 4: if (this.cHour < 15) { this.hideSatDelivery(); } else { //holiday saturday delivery this.showSatDelivery(); //this.hideSatDelivery(); } break; case 5: if (this.cHour >= 15) { this.hideSatDelivery(); } else { //holiday saturday delivery this.showSatDelivery(); //this.hideSatDelivery(); } break; default: this.hideSatDelivery(); break; } // Calculate develivery dates var day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * dayAdd; this.deliveryDate = new Date(this.cDate.getTime() + day); var stmt = this.prepareExpressDeliveryStmt(this.deliveryDate); if (this.unitTest) { // console.log(`Current Date = ${this.cDate} --> Delivery Date: ${stmt}`); } else { $(".desktop-delivery "+this.expressDeliveryClass).html(stmt); stmt = this.prepareExpressDeliveryMobileStmt(this.deliveryDate); $(".mobile-delivery "+this.expressDeliveryClass).html(stmt); } } }, prepareExpressDeliveryStmt: function(deliveryDate) { var dt = this.dayNames[deliveryDate.getDay()]+", "+deliveryDate.getDate()+" "+this.monthNames[deliveryDate.getMonth()]+" "+deliveryDate.getFullYear(); //16.12.2022 Christmas Delivery return "Est Delivery on ".concat(dt); //return "Est Delivery on ".concat(dt, " or following day"); }, prepareExpressDeliveryMobileStmt: function(deliveryDate) { var dt = "".concat(this.dayNames[deliveryDate.getDay()], ", ").concat(deliveryDate.getDate(), " ").concat(this.monthNames[deliveryDate.getMonth()]); // 16.12.2022 Christmas Delivery return "Est on ".concat(dt); //return "Est Delivery on ".concat(dt, " or following day"); }, hideUkShipping: function() { $(this.expressDeliveryClass).hide(); //$(this.satDeliveryClass).hide(); $(".desktop-delivery ".concat(this.satDeliveryClass)).parent().hide(); $(".mobile-delivery ".concat(this.satDeliveryClass)).parent().hide(); $('.pricedeliveryreturns').hide(); }, hideSatDelivery: function() { //$(this.satDeliveryClass).hide(); $(".desktop-delivery ".concat(this.satDeliveryClass)).parent().hide(); $(".mobile-delivery ".concat(this.satDeliveryClass)).parent().hide(); }, showSatDelivery: function() { //alert('gs'); var dd = 0 - new Date().getDay(); var day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * dd; var cDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + day); day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * 6; var satDeliveryDate = new Date(cDate.getTime() + day); var dt = "".concat(this.dayNames[satDeliveryDate.getDay()], ", ").concat(satDeliveryDate.getDate(), " ").concat(this.monthNames[satDeliveryDate.getMonth()]); var stmt = "Delivery on ".concat(dt, ". Order by Fri 2 PM."); if (this.unitTest) { //console.log(`Current Date = ${this.cDate} --> Delivery Date: ${stmt}`); } else { $(".desktop-delivery ".concat(this.satDeliveryClass)).html(stmt); //console.log(`Current Date = ${this.cDate} --> Delivery Date: ${stmt}`); stmt = "Delivery on ".concat(dt, ". Order by Fri 2 PM."); $(".mobile-delivery ".concat(this.satDeliveryClass)).html(stmt); $(this.satDeliveryClass).show(); } }, showDiscountedPrice: function() { if (!this.enableDiscounts) { return false; } // Show dicounted price with percentage if ($('.price.price--saving').html().length <= 0) { return false; } this.smProduct = {}; var retailPrice= $(".productView-details .productView-price .price-section--withTax span[data-product-rrp-with-tax='']").html(); retailPrice= retailPrice.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '').replace(/^\D+/g, ''); if (retailPrice=== '') { return false; } this.smProduct.retailPrice = retailPrice.replace(',',''); var regularPrice= $('.price.price--withTax').html(); regularPrice= regularPrice.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '').replace(/^\D+/g, ''); if (regularPrice=== '') { return false; } this.smProduct.regularPrice = regularPrice.replace(',',''); var percentSaved = Math.round((1 - parseFloat(this.smProduct.regularPrice / this.smProduct.retailPrice)) * 100); if (percentSaved > 0) { $('.price-section--saving.price .price:eq(0)').html('You save'); $('.price-section--saving.price .price:nth-child(3)').html(" ("+percentSaved+"%)"); $('.price-section--saving').show(); } }, getCountry: function() { // 280121 starts /* var currentHost =; */ let currentHost =; if (currentHost !== "") { if ('') !== -1) { currentHost = currentHost.split(''); } else { currentHost = currentHost.split(''); } // 280121 ends = 'OTHER'; this.currentDeliveryMessage = ''; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = false; switch (currentHost[0]) { case 'ca-watcho': case 'ca': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-Canada'; break; case 'au-watcho': case 'au': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-Australia'; break; case 'at-watcho': case 'at': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-12'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'be-watcho': case 'be': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-8'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'de-watcho': case 'de': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-8'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'es-watcho': case 'es': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-12'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'fr-watcho': case 'fr': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-8'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'ie-watcho': case 'ie': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-8'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'it-watcho': case 'it': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-12'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'pl-watcho': case 'pl': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-8'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'ro-watcho': case 'ro': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-EU-8'; this.setMsgFlagForPrice = true; break; case 'us-watcho': case 'us': this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-USA'; break; default: this.currentDeliveryMessage = 'Delivery-message-Other'; break; } // req 157 if(this.setMsgFlagForPrice == true){ var price = $('[itemprop="price"]').attr('content'); if(price>0){ $('#setMessageForPrice').removeAttr('style'); } } if (this.hideOfferPanelForOtherCountry) { //$('.pricesave-d').remove(); //$('.pricesave-d').hide(); this.enableDiscounts = false; // $('.price-section.price-section--saving.price').remove(); //$('.YouSave').hide(); $('.ReservePickupRow').hide(); } $("#seasonal-header-desktop-id2").remove(); $(".productpricematch").hide(); $(".click_n_collect").hide(); if (this.showDeliveryMessage && this.deliveryMessages[this.currentDeliveryMessage] != undefined && this.deliveryMessages[this.currentDeliveryMessage].length !== 0) { //$('.custom-delivery-message').html(this.deliveryMessages[this.currentDeliveryMessage]).show(); $('.custom-delivery-message').html('' + this.deliveryMessages[this.currentDeliveryMessage]).show(); $('.ps-price-addons').hide(); } this.enablePopularProductBybrand =false; if(this.enableNominationMessage && $(".productView").data('product-brand')=="Seiko"){ this.showNiminationMessage(); } } else if (currentHost === '') { = 'GB'; } if (this.enableShippingCalculation) { this.calShipping(); } }, /* seiko out of eu */ showNiminationMessage: function(){ $(".form-action.add-to-cart-block").prepend("

We can ship Seiko products only to a UK or EU address.
\n" + "Any orders for Seiko products requesting shipping outside UK and EU will be cancelled and refunded.

"); $(".form-action.add-to-cart-block #form-action-addToCart").remove(); }, testExpDelivery: function(hrs) { this.unitTest = 1; this.cHour = hrs; var dd = 0 - new Date().getDay(); var day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * dd; var cDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + day); for (var i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { day = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * i; this.cDay = i; this.cDate = new Date(cDate.getTime() + day); this.showUkShipping(); } }, submitOutOfStock: function() { if (this.enableOutOfStockFormSubmit === false) { return true; } var $form = 'form#ContactForm.PL20'; //var url = ''; var url = ''; var emailVal = $("".concat($form, " #contact_email")).val(); var productIdVal = $("".concat($form, " #product_id")).val(); if (!/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(emailVal)) { $($form).parent().find('.formMessage').html('

Please enter valid email

'); return false; } //var data = { Email: emailVal, Product: $('.productView-title').html(), Phone: $(`${$form} #contact_phone`).val(), Site: '', Product_ID: productIdVal }; var data = { email: emailVal, product: $('.productView-title').html(), phone: $("".concat($form, " #contact_phone")).val(), product_id: productIdVal }; $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data : data, }).done(function() { $('#successmsg').html('

Thank you, your request has been received.

'); $('#aftersuccess').remove(); /* $($form).hide(); $($form).parent().find('.formMessage').html('

Thank You

'); */ }); return false; }, showVoucherDiscountPrice: function() { if (!this.showVoucherDiscount) { return false; } var calc = $('.p-price-after-voucher').data('calc'); if (calc === undefined) { return false; } if (calc.toLowerCase() !== 'yes') { return false; } var dataPrice = $('.p-price-after-voucher').data('price'); var dataPercent = $('.p-price-after-voucher:last').data('percent-off'); if (dataPrice === undefined || dataPercent === undefined) { return false; } var amt = (dataPrice - (dataPrice * dataPercent / 100)).toFixed(2); $('.p-price-after-voucher').html(" \xA3".concat(amt)).parent().show(); }, showPopularProductByBrand: function() { if(!this.enablePopularProductBybrand){ $("#div-tab-popular-product-by-brand").remove(); return false; } var brand_name=$(".productView").data().productBrand; if(brand_name!=undefined){ $("#popular-product").append(' '+brand_name); $("#div-tab-popular-product-by-brand").hide(); var listHtml = ''; var url = ''; var data = { brandname: brand_name }; $.ajax({ url: url, method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', //async: false, data: data, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' }, }).done(function(response){ if(response.result=="success"){ var i=0; var row_data=JSON.parse(response.row); var row_length=row_data.length; var caption=''; var image=''; var url=''; for(i=0; i


\n\ Swatch Watches | Official UK Stockist: WatchO™ (62) \n\

\n\ \n\ */ if(image!=undefined && image.length>0){ listHtml += '

'; listHtml+='

'; listHtml+='
'; listHtml+=''; listHtml+=''; listHtml+=''; listHtml+=''; listHtml+=''; listHtml+='
'; listHtml+='

'; listHtml+='

'+ (caption ? caption : '')+ '

'; listHtml+='

'; listHtml+='

'; listHtml+='

'; } } $(".popular-product-by-brand-lists").append(listHtml); if($(".popular-product-by-brand-lists .productCarousel-slide").length > 0){ //$(".tab-popular-product-by-brand").show(); } }else{ $("#div-tab-popular-product-by-brand").remove(); } }); }else{ $("#div-tab-popular-product-by-brand").remove(); } }, showSimilarProducts: function() { if (!this.enableSimilarProducts) { return false; } var currentProduct = $('input[name=product_id]').val(); currentProduct = parseFloat(currentProduct); // var groupLists = CsObjTags.getSimilarProductLists(currentProduct); // var key; // var productId; // var data = ''; // for (key in groupLists) { // if ({}, key)) { // data += "

".concat(key, "

"); // for (productId in groupLists[key]) { // if ({}[key], productId)) { // data += ""); // } // } // data += '

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'+ (element.brand ? element.brand : '')+ '




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Please enter valid email

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Thank you, your message has been received!

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Please enter valid email

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Please enter collection date

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Your request has been received. We will notify you when the product is ready for collection.

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Please enter Where you have seen this price

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Please enter name

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Please enter valid email

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Thank you for submitting price-match request. '; success_msg+='

If we are able to match the price, we will notify by email or phone. This usually takes 2-3 working hours on business days.

'; if(currentHours1.getHours()>= 9 && currentHours1.getHours() <=17 && currentHours1.getDay() != 6 && currentHours1.getDay() !=0) { success_msg+='

If you would like a quicker response, CHAT WITH US (During business hours)

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    Swatch Watches | Official UK Stockist: WatchO™ (2024)
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    Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.