The Science Behind 'Tapping:' An Alternative Therapy for Focus, Concentration & Mood (2025)

“Even though I feel overwhelmed when I look at my to-do list, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I want to get up and run away instead of doing this great big math worksheet, I’m still a smart kid.”

“Even though I feel ashamed as I reflect on the day and realize how little I’ve accomplished, I know I’m a good person.”

These three sentences are examples of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) setup statements, which state the challenge you want to overcome, along with a self-affirmation. EFT, also known as EFT tapping, or just tapping, is a self-help technique that is used to treat a wide variety of physical and psychological problems. It does that by focusing on an emotionally charged event (past, present, or future), while repeating a setup statement, and tapping on the endpoints of specific energy meridians in the body. (The person taps the meridians firmly, but not so hard that it hurts.) The tapping neutralizes the emotion so the person can get unstuck and move ahead with his or her life.

EFT is used for many challenges — including those that arise from the symptoms of attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD) — to provide rapid and lasting results. It can be done with a practitioner, or, if learned correctly, by yourself. Tapping helps with focus, procrastination/resistance, anxiety, low self-esteem, shame, stress, cravings, sleep disturbances, emotional regulation, and many other problems. I use it in my practice to help people accomplish more and feel better about themselves.

Tapping Therapy: Tweak the Body to Optimize the Brain

According to Gary Craig, who developed EFT in the early 1990s, the cause of negative emotion is a disruption in the body’s energy system. The meridian endpoints we tap on with EFT are the same ones used in acupuncture, a form of ancient Chinese medicine. The idea is that if you can stimulate the endpoint associated with a specific body part, which is in turn connected to a specific emotion, you can unblock the energy flow and neutralize the emotional charge.

Substantial research supports the efficacy of EFT. Although evidence specific to ADHD is mostly anecdotal at this time, there have been at least 50 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that suggest that EFT helps conditions related to ADHD. EFT meets the criteria for evidence-based treatments proposed by Division 12 of the American Psychological Association for a range of issues. One RCT demonstrated that levels of the stress hormone cortisol declined 24 percent after a single EFT session, compared with a 14 percent reduction seen after talk therapy or rest.

Although ADHD is not a disorder of emotions primarily, it has strong emotional components. Haven’t most of us felt the frustration of having to spend twice as long on something as everyone else, or the shame of not delivering on our commitments, or feeling overwhelmed about a never-ending to-do list? Even procrastination has an emotional element, a palpable resistance we can feel. Kids may describe their hyperactivity as feeling squirmy, while adults may perceive it as restlessness. All these feelings are “tappable.” Other negative emotions commonly experienced by those with ADHD include anger, helplessness, fear, confusion, and hopelessness.

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Co-existing conditions are present in at least two thirds of people with ADHD — anxiety and mood disorders being the most common. Mandi Freger, a Licensed Professional Counselor and former board member for the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, has used tapping and other forms of energy psychology with hundreds of adults and children over the past 20 years. She notes that clients typically come in for help with anxiety or mood disorders, and have classic ADHD symptoms, including difficulty with focus and concentration.

“Many of them have anxiety over and resistance to getting work done. You can’t separate it,” she says. “Tapping helps them release tension in the body. It changes their thought energy, and retrains the brain.”

Freger has seen how tapping helps reduce hyperactivity. She recalls a young client jumping on her couch, shouting, “I have to jump! I have to jump!” After a few rounds of tapping, the child was able to sit quietly and say, “I don’t have to jump anymore.”

Be Specific About the Emotion

The key to success with EFT is being specific. The late Don Blackerby, Ph.D., author of Rediscover the Joy of Learning, suggested tapping on specific symptoms as they occur. “Even though I have ADHD, I deeply and completely accept myself” is a nice affirmation, but it won’t get you very far as a setup statement. “Even though I have been sitting at this computer for 15 minutes trying to write this article, and my thoughts are stuck in my head in a jumbled mess and won’t come out, I deeply and completely accept myself” is a much better statement. Think of the EFT setup statement as a selfie. You have to be able to see a who, what, where, and when.

It’s also important to go with the flow. If another feeling or thought comes up as you’re tapping, tap on that. An image of a parent yelling at you when you were younger might accompany feelings of shame or sadness. “Even though I’m feeling sad when I remember that time in fourth grade, sitting at the kitchen table, when Dad yelled at me for taking too long on my math homework, I deeply and completely accept myself.” It’s important to tap on whatever comes up, because current symptoms often link to past traumas.

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Many negative beliefs are formed early in our development. Maybe we’ve been repeatedly told that we’re lazy and need to try harder. After a while, we begin to believe it. We get the idea that we don’t measure up, that we’re not good enough. These beliefs are often unconscious. With tapping, they’re brought to the surface, so they can be resolved.

Tapping Therapy Affirms Your Strengths

Motivation is a block for many of us. At a high level, we may know what we want, but we’re unable to translate that desire into in-the-moment action. Creating an affirmation and tapping on it every day can help.

One of my clients recently went into business for herself. She found it hard to spend enough time on marketing activities. She knew what she had to do, and we had worked on creating structure, but she found herself getting distracted all the time. Her daily tapping affirmation? “I earn enough money to easily support myself and my family, hire people to help me, and not sweat purchases.” Sometimes negative thoughts, like “I don’t have what it takes,” popped into her mind as she went through the tapping ritual. So she tapped on them until they no longer felt true. She found that her focus increased, her fears about money disappeared, and she was able to take care of business.

One of the best things about EFT is its applicability to many issues. This is why it is such a powerful tool for ADHD, which can show up in many different ways. Consider the second grader who won’t do her homework. Mom is frustrated, Dad is angry with Mom for being frustrated, brother is sad because he doesn’t get to go outside with his sister. All those feelings can be tapped on, bringing the entire family closer together.

How to Use Tapping Therapy

One of the best things about EFT is that it can be done anywhere, at any time, and without the use of equipment, medication, or supplements.

  1. Identify the issue.
  2. Determine its intensity on a 0-10 scale (10 being the most intense).
  3. Create the setup statement. “Even though I feel _____ about ____, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
  4. Tap on the side of hand point (see diagram below) while repeating the setup statement three times.
  5. Tap on the remaining meridian endpoints (shown in diagram below) while repeating a short reminder phrase that summarizes the issue.
  6. Check the intensity of the issue again.
  7. Repeat until the intensity drops to zero.

The Science Behind 'Tapping:' An Alternative Therapy for Focus, Concentration & Mood (1)

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The Science Behind 'Tapping:' An Alternative Therapy for Focus, Concentration & Mood (2025)


The Science Behind 'Tapping:' An Alternative Therapy for Focus, Concentration & Mood? ›

Tapping Therapy: Tweak the Body to Optimize the Brain

What is the science behind tapping therapy? ›

Some scientists believe that it works because it stimulates the central nervous system and causes the body to release helpful chemicals. EFT tapping stimulates acupoints by touch rather than by the use of needles, making it similar to acupressure.

Is tapping therapy evidence-based? ›

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an “evidence-based” therapeutic method (Church, 2013a). It combines elements of cognitive and exposure therapy with acupressure. It is popularly termed “tapping” because its distinguishing feature is the stimulation of acupuncture points using fingertip percussion.

What is the tapping method of therapy? ›

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as “tapping,” is a method that some individuals have found helpful in managing their emotions. During EFT, individuals tap certain points on their body – similar to the points used during acupuncture.

What does tapping do to the brain? ›

The Science Behind EFT

Scientific studies show that tapping allows the brain and body to release stress and negative emotions, as well as calm and regulate the central nervous system, according to Capanna-Hodge.

Why should tapping be avoided? ›

Some people may experience more pain or discomfort during a tapping session, and there is a risk that the technique could potentially exacerbate existing mental health problems or even lead to new ones. Given all of these concerns, it is clear that tapping should be avoided as a treatment for mental health problems.

How quickly does tapping work? ›

Lower intensity issues may only require four or five rounds to provide relief, while more intense issues may take 10 or 12 rounds. Intense or chronic issues are best addressed through consistent tapping over time. The benefits are cumulative, meaning you will get the best results by tapping everyday.

Does tapping actually work? ›

Many healthcare professionals and researchers consider the emotional freedom technique (EFT) a legitimate complementary therapy. Numerous studies have shown that EFT tapping can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, among other emotional and physical conditions.

Can tapping release trauma? ›

The journey to healing often seems daunting, but emerging therapeutic approaches like Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) offer new hope. EFT, also known as tapping, combines elements of cognitive therapy with acupressure, providing a powerful tool for trauma recovery [1].

What are the side effects of tapping? ›

What are the side effects of Ascitic Tapping?
  • The most common side effects of ascitic tapping include:
  • Pain.
  • Infection.
  • Bleeding.
  • Damage to surrounding organs.
  • Other uncommon side effects include allergic responses to the anaesthetic or medicine used during the process, as well as nerve damage.
Jul 6, 2023

What are the results of tapping therapy? ›

Improved Emotional Regulation

Regular practice of EFT Tapping strengthens your ability to manage difficult emotions like anxiety, anger, or sadness. By tapping on specific facial points and acknowledging your present emotions, you disrupt the physical response associated with them, promoting a calmer state of mind.

Does face tapping really work? ›

Face taping, a beauty hack that's trending on TikTok, claims to get rid of wrinkles and smooth out fine lines. Experts say that face taping does not get rid of wrinkles and fine lines, but it can be a temporary way to slow the rate at which wrinkles form.

What to say during EFT tapping? ›

Create a statement that describes your issue, followed by a statement of self-acceptance. For example, you could say, "Even though I feel anxious about work tomorrow, I deeply and completely accept myself." Or you could say, "Even though my partner broke up with me, I deeply and completely accept myself."

Is there any science behind tapping? ›

But actually, there are some pretty incredible scientific studies around EFT tapping showing that it's not just a placebo effect — people are experiencing significant improvements in their mental health by using this technique.

Does tapping release emotions? ›

Proponents say the tapping helps you access your body's energy and send signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. They claim that stimulating the meridian points through EFT tapping can reduce the stress or negative emotion you feel from your issue, ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy.

Does tapping rewire the brain? ›

EFT tapping can 'rewire the brain' by changing the signals that have been repeatedly sent down the neurons regarding certain thoughts.

Is tapping proven to work? ›

Numerous studies have shown that EFT tapping can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress, among other emotional and physical conditions.

What is the philosophy behind tapping? ›

As with acupuncture and acupressure, tapping involves the body's energy meridian points, which are a concept in Chinese medicine. Proponents believe them to be areas of the body through which energy flows. In this theory, blocks or imbalances in the flow of energy lead to ill health.

How does tapping release trauma? ›

The tapping calls us back to our body, the gentle tap to reawaken a playful sense of grounding and connection. Our brains respond to this tapping by reducing the amount of cortisol – the stress hormone. “Trauma Tapping Technique is a First Aid technique that can heal symptoms of stress and trauma.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.